Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hey Lat

Whats up with the deleted comments??? Nate get a little out of hand??

I saw AZK, WTF???

Hope everyone had a good day, manual labor is NOT for me.


Nate Stephens said...

i think we've been double posting by accident. i just posted a question in the previous thread...if you could check it out.

Nate Stephens said...

whoa!! i just realized that if you click on the time right after the "Posted by Joe Goog at" that the comments pop up right underneath. nice. yeah, i can be a bit slow.

Nate Stephens said...

sorry for all the posting, i'm reading stuff from TD Ameritrade and my head's spinning. remember when i talked about being able to set up a "buy" like a trailing stop loss (it'd follow the price down then when it starts back up a "buy" is triggered), well there is such a thing. you simply use the trailing stop (% or $) with a buy order. just like catching the falling knife, Lat!!!

Ron said...

Who's building? Good question. There are 5 large office buildings within 1/2 mile that are brand new and vacant.

Then there is a $200M Penrose St. Francis hospital that is just opening 2 miles south of me.

I remember back in the mid 80's there was all kinds of 'building' going on. I asked "who will be renting/leasing these?" Well, the population soon exploded and moved to Colorado. It's not cheap here either.

Wedding season coming up in India and their favorite 'gift to give' is GOLD. Very cyclical....