Thursday, August 28, 2008

Gustav and UNG

Added UNG @ 37.6

Gustav looks like it will be causing problems IMO. It's a bit of a gamble, but I like the odds at this point and the storm has not been factored in yet.


Fishfood said...

Added UNG at 36.88

I in pretty deep on this one so it better go back to 40 soon

Think again, we have a long weekend and odds say Gustav will cause problems - Labour day historicly calls for high oil prices, and if Russia steps up the conflict Europe will get nervous about nat gas as they get a sign. amount from Russia

Latviski said...

If Gustav tracks right towards N.O. nat gas will tack on 10% + in a hurry.

Of course, as soon as I bought at 36.7, it dropped a dollar...

The gains in this one will be realized Tues next week.

Fishfood said...

Here's a front seat view of the Mexican culf - click trop pts and see where gustav will go

Here's another link to forecasts of Gustav's fare

thesticklawson said...

Hello Joe come to visit you over here while i wait for MMTE to explode out of this triangle. After that may diversify into other picks. Will stop by more often in the future.