Thursday, August 21, 2008

GLD daily high??

Anyone else seeing a daily high of 84.54 @ about 10:26am for GLD?

Or is this just a bad print from Scottrade...?


Nate Stephens said...

i see the same on TDA

Latviski said...

Thanks Nate.

coinlieutenant said...

Anyone feeling a major sell off in the equities starting around 2 p.m.

I do...

Latviski said...

Sounds good to me. ;)

coinlieutenant said...

Look at GBN run!!

coinlieutenant said...

Added back my AZK that I sold at 3.35 at 3.25$

coinlieutenant said...

Shorted GBN at 2.68

coinlieutenant said...

Well, I guess I was wrong about the sell off. No worries though. A great day all in all.

Latviski said...

Yep. Not a bad day except for QMNM! Everything else solidly in the green. :)

coinlieutenant said...

Yeah...QMNM is disappointing. I am in 100K shares at an average of .02