Thursday, August 14, 2008


Added @ $3.61


Latviski said...

This market is nuts right now.

It's like a kid that keeps saying 'why'?. No matter what you state...the response is just 'why'? and the little tyke just ignores all the facts.

Jobs are being lost, fast. Why?
Because the economy sucks. Why?
Because a speculative bubble burst. Why?
Because idiots overleveraged themselves and had awful lending practices. Why?
Because they're idiots. Why?

I really can't believe today was an up day.
CPI was scorching, we're losing jobs, credit is moving like molasses.
Party on??

Nate Stephens said...

it seems that it's all based on the dollar rising b/c the euro is dumping. if that keeps happening (which i think it's expected to) then we're in for quite a bit more.

Goldfinger said...

Good times are here again...

Ron said...

Remember that old song?

"Happy days are here again, the sky is blue and clear again...."

Latviski said...

Looks like the miners are going to get it in the chin HARD tomorrow am if this action/ POG keeps up.

Not good; gold's chart is really breaking down; next stop 775...then it's a freefall back to 600's.

Goldfinger said... support whatsoever

Nate Stephens said...

i wonder if Gold is on the naked short list??? :P

Latviski said...

Feels like my Scottrade account is on the naked short list!!!