Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hey guys

Absolute worst case scenario for me. We had a pipe burst upstairs and I happened to be downstairs where a waterfall came down the ceiling. Was up till 3:00 wet-vacuuming and toweling water. Over at my buddies getting his humidifier.

I'll try to post if possible through my phone but looks like my third laptop this year is gonna be purchased (sister's too) :(




coinlieutenant said...

Dude....Sorry. That sucks.

Hope you are getting a DEhumidifier instead. :)

Anonymous said...

Definately not a good way to start a Tuesday.....!!!!!!!!!!

Matt Staples said...

That sucks -- good luck drying out! I'm getting metaphorically soaked in my SRS/SKF positions today, so I feel your pain.

Anonymous said...

Any negative news coming down the pipeline or a sell off tomorrow... I need a big time down day .....