Thursday, October 30, 2008


already put in the picks that jumped out at me. I'll list them in a minute!!!

I like the under tonite!!


JoeGoog23 said...

Notre Dame
Over Cal/Oregon
Texas Tech (Of course)

Those are my main 4 picks (but remember Texas Tech i'm biased towards!!!)

Fishfood said...

Sorry I'm not around that much but I'm focusing on school I'll still post whenever I'm trading though

When I look at GDX and DIG would you guys think we have to retest the bottoms next week - I'm thinking so

BTW When will you get mentioned in the election Joe?
They've already talked about Joe sixpack and Joe the plumber but still no Joe goog :)

JoeGoog23 said...

I'm sure i'd give each candidate a run for their money lol

As for GDX & DIG, I'm not sure about a total re-test, but I see a pull-back tomorrow into next week and a great chance to load up.

Hope classes are going great Fish!!!

Anonymous said...

Ty Joe!!!!! :)

JoeGoog23 said...

You take this under Sam???

Anonymous said...

I didnt :( Logged in too late...

Anonymous said...

Joe...when you place a pre-market order.. is it at a limit price or is it just at whatever the market demand is? I called Etrade and they said I have to just place it at market and whatever the demand price is thats what it will sell for. Is that the same for your pre-market trades?

JoeGoog23 said...

Sam, always a limit order. Now you may have to set that limit to what the highest bid or lowest ask is, but never market or you could get some out of whack fill.

Moved up again in the Ultimate Race with 3 out of 4!!!