Friday, October 31, 2008

Hey Messie (MDOR)

Doing some nice sideways work between .60 and .75!!!! I think it'll be a month or two, but the breakout will be VERY nice!!!!

1 comment:

messiestobjects said...

Hey sorry, been away for a few. Yeah, MDOR is certainly getting interesting, and I'm keeping a close eye on it, hoping you're right.

My biggest concern about the stock is this Chad Curtis fellow... he was apparently involved in some Pump-n-Dump stocks a ways back and even the MDOR strongs over at iHub are leery of him... however with all of the good stuff MDOR has going for it, it's easy to feel that Chad has found himself a decent company to pump.

I'm nervous, and sold most of my extra shares on the last upswing (yay!) but will hold my core position until there is news one way or another.