Friday, October 3, 2008


Anyone know what's the rationale for whats going on?? Just your basic contrarian trading taking place????

Added UYG @ $17.05


coinlieutenant said...

Exactly what I thought would happen Joe.

This would do nothing, which is exactly what the market thinks. Look at what the credit markets have done in response...nearly nothing that makes a difference for lending.

What I think we are going to see is a rate cut...which will also do nothing good. I am now convinced we will have a bond market crash within a year.

Put a fork in her...she's done.
The dollar should get crushed at that point, but all this "relative" fiat plays are really screwing our gold plays.

The fact that they added the FASB rule change in this bill had a bunch to do with the lack of movement IMO.

What a freaking joke we have become as a country.

coinlieutenant said...

Oh...and I added 500 shares of PAL @ 1.81. LONG term play. Wrote covered calls on them for Nov @ 2.5 right off the bat.

Matt Staples said...

Not sure. Getting killed on FNM, though, bought at 1.60.

coinlieutenant said...

One more thing...

The TLT March 80 PUT looks VERY attractive if you buy my logic.