Friday, October 17, 2008


Booked .42 @ .80
Booked .60 @ .80

5000 shares each!!

Thanks Messie for getting me aboard. Will look to buy in if we pull back to .60 area!!!


Latviski said...

Why won't QMNM do that!!!! :):)

Where's Nate? I'm about ready for vinnybagadonuts to start rolling.

JoeGoog23 said...

Did you see the September operating report LAT?? I'll e-mail it to you. Still no-where's near where we need to be in terms of production.

And what was with MMTE releasing a P/R to give the names of their wells?????? Coulda just named them after the 7 dwarfs for all I care, what about numbers???

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you sold... do you think it's not going higher?

JoeGoog23 said...

You know how I roll bud?? Book, book, book!!

If it breaks higher i'll get back in, but after a double in a week, i'd expect to be able to get in somewhere between .60 and .70!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah... looks like you're right too, it's already back down to .72, dammit. I don't even know why... there hasn't been any volume hardly since it was at .80

Anonymous said...

never mind! back up to .82!

JoeGoog23 said...

The spread is so large, it doesn't really matter what it's "last" is as long as you get your fills.

I'm gonna put in a .70 or .72 bid Monday.