Thursday, October 2, 2008


Added @ $18.88


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Also, anybody paying attention to this new bill? It's all a scam. They've been duping us. The rejection of the first bill and the passing of the second is what they wanted all along, IMO. The first, rejected bill was about 3 pages long. Market tanks, Americans freak out. So far so good. Next bill, which [shrill]ABSOLUTELY MUST GET PASSED OR THE AMERICAN ECONOMY IS DOOMED![/shrill] is like 450 pages long and gets approved before anybody has much time to think about it. A paragraph from the Times this morning:

As the shape of the new bill became more clear Wednesday, some House Republicans and Democrats indicated that the changes were enough to get them to take another look at the measure and perhaps change their minds — even though the new items being added would substantially increase the burden on taxpayers.

JoeGoog23 said...

I didn't think they voted yet??????

You're talking about the Senate bill right???? When did it pass the House?????

Anonymous said...

No, it just passed the Senate, not the House yet. But still, it just all looks shady. I get very suspicious of our Government in times like these... the last big crisis we had, in our moment of panic GW shuttled in the Patriot Act, and for all of the Democrats hemming and hawing about how bad a government the Republicans ran, I don't see anyone trying to repeal the Patriot Act.

Mark my words, whatever the outcome of all this, someone is going to shove some more manure our way.

JoeGoog23 said...

And my job is to help you guys turn that manure into GOLD :)