Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Welcome Jelly

Basically just comment or ask questions after any of my posts. As for e-mailing me, it's Joegoog23@yahoo.com

These miners are getting really cheap here. I'm thinking a late day run in them and in SKF (shorts)


Latviski said...

Interesting thread started at tickerforums...


JoeGoog23 said...

So they're thinking something's in the works??

Latviski said...

Yep - FNM/FRE bailout will prob. pass.

Ramifications = bounce for FNM/FRE obviously, prob. all financials...long term it just throws more debt onto gov't (taxpayer) balance sheet.

Got my 143 SKF lot, will wait for this to go or not go and consider adding after the fact...

jelly_bellymm said...

Thanks for the welcome, Joe. I never did ask you some questions. I will send you an email probly early tomorrow morning

Nate Stephens said...

so would it be worth exiting SKF next chance i get? wish i would have sold when i was up 8% today, but never saw all this coming. i bought at 136