Friday, July 25, 2008


Booked $9.33 buy @ $9.60


Fishfood said...

Still no trades today can't find an entry point

Must admit that I have been staring intensively at SRS all day

Also been looking at PHM could be a short opportunity, but I wanna see it go up a little more

Latviski said...

Sweet SWC. Nectar of the gods.

Fish - I wouldn't dive into SRS unless you're gonna flip it today - this weekend will be a news driven one and will prob. gap up or down hard on Mon. JMO.

Fishfood said...

Okay Thanks

Maybee I should look into that GDX
and drop my new darling(SRS) before she rips me off :)

Latviski said...

srs is a great play - just gotta tread carefully over this weekend is all.

Fishfood said...

I still think next week will be in the sign of the Short

I think consumer confidence is a fake and we are going down