Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Booked @ $46.90 buy from $45.55

Strange feeling about this, usually when the day looks so great one way we get a reversal????????


Latviski said...

Yes - seems that a lot of times when futures are down 100 we gap down in the am and find a reason to rally in the pm.

I'm going to let it gap, see if we get a little additional sell pressure and start restaging into UYG.

Fishfood said...

I'm leaving for work now - be back around 1 pm

Left two sell orders Skf 147 5% and EGO at 8,5 7%

FCX Your right Joe it's a monster hopefully this can make 100 a permanent buttom

Good luck with the trading

JoeGoog23 said...

Have fun at work Fish

