Thursday, July 31, 2008


Added @ $42.98


Ron said...

Joe & Lat,
Questions for QMNM?

How about stopping in at the local feeding hole for a bite and asking around? The locals might know more than management is willing to tell?

Talk to one of the miners?


Fishfood said...

I got a question for Eugene

How many shares does he hold

And when does he plan to retire :)

Good idea asking the locals Ron, they'll know a lot. I asume it's a small community where everybody knows each other

Ron said...

Prolly got banjos playing in the background...

JoeGoog23 said...


The shares question is my main one:

How many outstanding/authorized/fully diluted??

I think we saw Eugene's holding on the last sale he made. I think it's 25 million options he has 10 years to redeem @ .32 cents or last 5 trades, whichever is lower.

JoeGoog23 said...

I absolutely HATE the heat and it's gonna be VERY HOT & HUMID on Monday, I can't imagine those workers in the mine. Hope they're in a union and have great benefits

Ron said...

What you think of SKF today?

Financials are far from healthy, but it's not our opinion that drives the market.

Fishfood said...

Thinking of a job like that makes me glad I'm in front of the computer working

After QMNM hit $ 1 we should give the miners extra benifits

Fishfood said...

I'm thinking of buying airliners (sarcasm)

I just got ripped off $ 1.500 for a one way ticket from Copenhagen, Denmark to Fresno California

I have never paid more than $ 1.000for a return ticket

GO gold. Make my plane ticket anger go away!!

Fishfood said...

Gonna hit the gym

Remember Paulson is speaking on markets and economy in Wasington in an hour and a half.