Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Positive outlook on QMNM (Post at I-Hub)

1)Add a second mining crew within the next 2 weeks at Pond Creek.

2)Full production of 1500-2500 tons per day at Pond Creek
by end of month.

3)Lower Creek to be fully operational by end of the year.

4)Operationally profitable by end of 3rd quarter.

5)Out of bankruptcy by the end of the year.
Quest is negotiating with current creditors and
lease holders in order to settle prior
debts and establish a plan to withdraw from
bankruptcy. If the BK judge
approves the withdrawal plan the company will
take the necessary steps to remove itself from B.K.
in the next 90 days. The creditors and
leaseholders will have 30 days to contest after
judges approval of the withdrawl plan.

6) Quest to build their own new wash plant.

7) Production during the next year will provide cash to
grow the company.


Latviski said...

If it all goes as planned, it will be an awesome ride.


JoeGoog23 said...

What time you leaving for DC bud???

Buzz me later on today ot tonite!!

Latviski said...

You bet - I'll ring you tonight - just getting ready to sit down to a ginormous breakfast my mom made for everyone, then off to DC...

Gotta set a few buy and sell orders...

mastergunner said...

I have been thinking the last few days about this stock. On Monday I was ok there might be a drop in the SP and it happen. I was watching the stock right before the CC and it was on a real nice run up. Once the Eugene started talking it went down. We needed some great news not a 5 min. CC. He should of gave us some hints about some contracts or something. I really think he blew it. I hope when you guys go there next week you can ask him a lot of questions and give us some answers.