Sunday, July 20, 2008

Can't wait till Monday

Hope you guys had a great night, and 15 more days till the QMNM visit. Believe me, if it all looks good, I may pump up to a million shares!!!! Dead serious.

Me & Lat will post our pics and opinions to each of you guys e-mails so please e-mail me @ before the trip. I just don't want certain people getting access to the results of our trip.




Ron said...

Joe, is that your big sis? Can't imagine anyone not 'approving' ;-) It's what makes the world-go-round!

Did you take pics of the half-shaved dudes and how did the evening go? Great way to start up a convo.

You have my email already....


Anonymous said...

Hi Joe, this blog rocks. Will be waiting on your mine visit, huge for me so I owe you a beer.

NotNOW said...

I'm interested in QMNM but I have a Q.

From reading the 3 available court documents it appears that the "operators" of the mine are debtors to some (unspecified) list of creditors and that they will be operating the mine to pay off these creditors. How does this impact the stock's price going forward? It would seem to be a drag on it, but I don't know enough about such things to know who gets paid first. I have an idea though that it ain't common shareholders.