Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The name

Was getting sick of such a long title.

We gotta get oil & Gold turned around here.


Fishfood said...

I'm starting to think Ben's plan is to pump up financials just enough so they can take the blow when he raises interest rates later this year

I aggree they wont raise rates this time but definetly later

Latviski said...

Happens every bear market.

Bottoms in...my ass. Nothing has changed except fed is willing to take more and more depreciating assets and put them on their balance sheet backed w/ taxpayer money.

Doesn't solve a thing IMO, just makes them worse.

Fishfood said...

wanna add SKF but I'm thinking it could go down 125 this move

Latviski said...

I'm waiting for mid/low 120's. If not I'm happy with my 143 lot.

Fishfood said...

I'm not gonna buy SKF today as I'm working tommorow

Latviski said...

*DJ US Rep Frank: Housing Bill To Be On US House Floor Wednesday

Today is frontrunning this I think.

JoeGoog23 said...

I can't believe UYG is approaching $22!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haven't really had much of a chance to add UYG's on pullbacks to book as it's pretty much been straight up (down for SKF)

The financial longs are gonna get CRUSHED IMO. Maybe not this week, but eventually.

JoeGoog23 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fishfood said...


booked UYG at 21,84

Latviski said...

To think I picked up UYG this am @19.10...had no idea we'd be up almost 3 bucks on it for the day...

Fishfood said...

Like I've said before - Financial EFTs are my drug of choise

JoeGoog23 said...

Who'd have thunk my $23 UYG would almost be in the green last week @ $14!!!!!!!!!!!

Latviski said...

This def. feels like buy the rumor sell the news type event...

Latviski said...

Cutting 6000+ jobs
Cutting dividend 85%
Lost 9 Billion!!!

Up 24%