Friday, July 25, 2008

LOL Nate

I can handle a Friday on 2 hours sleep. I really think we're gonna get a jump in Gold overnight.

So you ready for BQI tomorrow????


Nate Stephens said...

BQI's the DEVIL!! i'm not sure...i need my current holdings to get above water first, then see if there's anything i want to play. i don't think i want to hold any positions through this weekend, but we'll see how things look the end of tomorrow. i have a feeling i'll be hanging onto oil still.

i do need to start racking up some trades, though, so i hit that 120 mark soon. finally all coming together.

JoeGoog23 said...

I'm off to bed Nate, See you in a couple hours :)


Fishfood said...

Morning guys

Asia down 1,5 - 2%
Europe down 1 - 1,5%
Oil up 1 %
Gold even

Today we get New home sale at 9 am
which should be as bad as existing home sales

Demand on the housing market is down, due to tighter loan policies and increasing rates

Supply is up due to increasing rates - people can't pay morgage and get evicted. Plus people who took a loan to buy house number 2 and 3 as an investment are in a hurry to sell before they loose it all.

As for SRS I really wanted to keep it but it went up 14,5% yesterday and it tells me that worst case scenario could be priced in already

If SRS pulls back today I might add

Next week could be good for Shorts. We get consumer confidence on Tuesday and Jobless claim on Thursday

If markets go up today and monday I'll surely add to my shorts.

I don't have any shorts at the moment and got one UYG at 20,9 (bought last night as I was high on my short sales) which I really wanna get rid of today

Gotta go be back before open

Latviski said...

Come on gold...bounce!!!

Hey - am I the first one awake in the states?!

Durable goods/ Consumer confidence/ new home sales coming up today.