Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Holding out

Got a few in the money lots that i'm gonna look for higher %'s in. Mainly miners. Rolling the dice.

Today went exactly as predicted and were basicallt right at the 11,550 top predicted.

Sorry I wasn't too active today guys, trying to get some sun before the wedding in NC next week. (And the visit to the mine), gotta look my best for Eugene.


Fishfood said...

I thought you were gonna let your beard grow, rub your face in oil and put on an old cap, to blend in
(at the mine not wedding)

Gotta go to bed - got early shift tomorrow

Latviski said...

Nice day for miners FINALLY!!!

QMNM held enough for me to be happy short term.

I'm holding these miners for bigger % gain myself...think we get a nice 10% + move on EGO, AZK, AUY real soon and I'm taking it all in.

coinlieutenant said...

Hey guys. It was nice to see some fight left in the miners...finally.

On a lighter note, I had my first day that I was the only volume on an option...and I was the buyer at the low to close a covered call...and the seller at the high to get right back in the position. Piddly stuff, but fun none the less...

Symbol:MFN HB
Ask :0.60
Day High:0.45
Day Low:0.30

coinlieutenant said...

Some bullish food for our oil positions...

crashing bull said...

very rough period right now....I am holding auy, dgp, kgc and dxd...took loss on slw and added to auy (which is my largest holding), kgc and dgp. I made my small sacrifice to the market so I can stay sane. I thought I had decent/good entries into these positions but I am experiencing my largest drawdown of the year. We must be close to a turn. Too much pain not to be.

JoeGoog23 said...

Hey Crashing Bull, believe me, we are just about around the corner.

Hang in there bud, we'll git-r-dun :)