Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hold on tight fellas

This is gonna be a big one IMO

Dollar under .72
Gold $975
SKF pushing $146
QID over $47

Wachovia bad report

It's snowing outside my house (sorry got carried away)

All we need is a BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wake up LAT, you're missing all the excitement lol


Fishfood said...

Hi Joe

Looks to be a fun day today - too bad I have leave for work in an hour and will not be back until 1 pm

BTW FCX is reporting before opening today and EPS
estimate is 2.43

Looking too put a sell order on SKF and EGO before I go

crashing bull said...

I can view from the office, just not able to post.
update on position:
holding auy, slw, dgp, qmnm,...
added dxd yesterday.