Tuesday, July 22, 2008

From BigPaulBunyan @ Stockhouse.com

Hi guys.Back from Kentucky sorrry i could not post anything last night. We left Sunday at 11 pm and arrived at the mine around noon. After leaving the mine we drove back up to P.A and had a meal and passed out.
As Luck would have we arrived at the mine to find Everette fixing some machinery ,which will help for full production, and Eugene was on site. First we talked to Everette about how thinhs were going.. I will jot a few notes and maybe i can add more tomorrow. Just before that i wanted you all to know i did not take many pictures because they would have been no different than the ones the guy from Yahoo posted. What i did get was pictures of the heaping coal pile, pictures of coal pouring off the belt. I even have a nice chunk of coal in my bag.. Must be worth about 50 cents...lol
Talk with Everette
How is production going at Pond Creek. It is going well, producing about 500 tonnes at this point.. At a point where they are making a turn and when this is acheived ( approx 2 weeks) they will be in the good coal. It seemed that General mining had really screwed things up .I dont really understand allot about the mining bus but apparently you are rock then a Mud Flat, then more rock.These are bolted to make the roof really secure. General did not have the mud flat ( i could be wrong about the actual name) and therefore in rehab they had to repalce about 30,000 bolts. They have 2 shifts, and working on a 3rd. Laws are very strict in Kentucky and all the workers have to be Drug tested, had to let 3 guys go because they failed the drug test.
Asked about the Engineering report and what it was, and he showed us basically a whole lot of stuff on SPATS.
The wall was full of reports and permitts, and inspections certificates, ( in the trailer) but was not allowed to take a picture.
Asked a Cedar Grove. he said has appleid for all permits, just waiting on Goverment to issue, the rehab on this mine will not take very long as mine is in good condition and roof has been done properly. From what i took out of the conversation there was quite a bit more than 10 million tonnes of coal in that mountain ..The is a large seam right underneath Pond Creek.
Everret was a really nice Guy , you can tell he has been mining his whole life, and really seem to know what he is doing. Does not pay much attention to the stock , or the internet. ( Will continue on next post )

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