Monday, July 21, 2008


Nate, that $8.50 probably won't get filled today but we WILL hit that this week sometime IMO so why not just wait till then. I understand that you want to book something quick and get into something else, but it takes a few days for sells to develop the way you're forced to play. Just stick with it and you'll probably be able to get 8-10%!!


My EGO's



Latviski said...

Oops - Nate my bad - forgot you are playing couple of days/ trade/ medium term.

In that case, yeah, EGO will probably cross into mid/upper 8's as oil and gold bounce up a bit this week IMO.

AZK is really stagnant last couple of days...looks like a good entry point though right where it is. Gonna grab some here shortly, hopefully around 4.7.

Nate Stephens said...

well that's just it, i'm not looking to book to move onto something else...especially if the stock i'm in has potential. i'm just looking to lock in gains and be satisfied (even if it climbs some more). i'm not much of a gambler at heart. i think i'll throw in a limit sell at 8.5 today for the hell of it, but check up on things throughout the day.

again, i just want to say i really appreciate everyone's help and willingness to answer questions and work together. such a valuable resource. it's nice bouncing ideas around.

Latviski said...

You're in the right place bud.