Monday, July 21, 2008


Thanks to LUMI007 from IHUB for this link:

Added the link to my links on right so it's easier to get to.

Check out the different mines and notice that production start date is "planned" for mid October at Lower Cedar Grove.

AWESOME LINK (No it's not all German, just the top)


Fishfood said...

Here's a translation of the german stuff

"Quest belongs to the company Gwenco, which IMHO contract in the possession of at least 9 mining licences.

This is a listing has been created - from mines, which since the year 2004 in News and fillings have been mentioned. Whether Quest / Gwenco still have valid licences to have is unclear.

This information is not verified / confirmed!"

JoeGoog23 said...

Seems like it's been updated as it has Pond creek as being active as of 07/09 which was the correct date.

Fishfood said...

Just cruised around on the link you gave Joe and found this

Fishfood said...


I forgot the BANG :)

NotNOW said...

OK I'm in for 10,000 shares. If this goes bust we'll have to sell the kids.

It's hard to know what other issues they may be facing, but the recent rise in coal prices would seem to forgive many past sins.

Ima keep on "digging" and mebbe get me some more by averaging in. Thanks for the heads up.