Thursday, July 17, 2008

Absolutely Disgusting

That Hawk & Cubed can think I "ran out on them" simply because Mayhem deleted the posts that show the reality.

I really thought Cubed & Hawk were nice guys, guess in the long run all they were looking for is something that could be popular and had no interest in my friendship.

Truly sucks, especially Cubed.


Latviski said...

Let's talk tonight bro. We gotta brainstorm together here...

Oh - I added EGO 7.97

Latviski said...

Gonna short a hair more GM @ 13.

Fishfood said...

None of my business but I wish you guys get back together

You guys are so funny when you're on a roll

Latviski said...

Not my best call today short GM @ 12.3 and 13.00, but I'm holding them until the next leg down as I really do believe we see single digits.

Fishfood said...

I almost jumped on the wagon with GM

But a got my SKF order filled at 140

Latviski said...

I think GM is a pretty safe bet to short @ 13 or above.

Fishfood said...

Maybe I'll go there tomorrow if skf goes to 147 :)