Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Nice close (.04 woulda been better)

Guys I gotta go get something to eat, great day, be back in a bit.

Congrats to all



Ron said...

QMNM 120M shares!! Smokin. I shoulda stayed in. Had to run some errands. I got 70k shares though.

Won't this be special if it hits $1.00 per?

Latviski said...

Ron - don't get me all hot and bothered with talk of dollar values on a penny stock!!

Gcubed said...

guess I shouldn't even mention gold/silver here any more :(

coinlieutenant said...


I'm on...but not huge. Only 30000 shares at .023.

If we think it is going to .20, then three cents is still cheap. :)


Anonymous said...

Gcubed lol what do you think we'll be buying wif da profits?

Gcubed said...

I dunno Hawk. Bad physical shortage and premiums are high!! Better get to know a dealer!!!

Anonymous said...;^)

Gcubed said...

That's the ticket!! Hax even has an account!!! ;)

Unknown said...

I might have left the wrong link here earlier.....

Y'all try


mastergunner said...

IT was a great ride half way to the moon and then we had a sudden mis fire and had to come back down to ground. I think it will still just go up from here. I think the next week will be big for QMNM. Am I off or am I somewhat right