Thursday, June 26, 2008


I try to plant at every dollar. Haven't had a chance to get any SKF and book the UYG's. Been working for about 6 months with SKF going $90-$140 and me making both ways by planting the one falling and booking the one rising.

I appreciate you keeping me company today bro. CoinLieutenant (John) is usually here every day???


Latviski said...

You've got some good ideas, so it's my pleasure to hang here!

SKF/ UYG is a good pair to run, esp. if you are quick trader.

From March - now I found moves to be to unpredictable for me, so just planted a ton of DXD when DOW broke 13k and just cashed out last today.

I would consider UYG if we tag March lows and get a turn w/ some volume - right now, the upticks on all major indixes have super weak volume.

Latviski said...

I grabbed 200 shares UYG near session lows (so far)...if there's going to be another stick save for financials, it's going to happen soon.

Going to calculate my max pain tonight after close in case I'm wrong!