Friday, June 27, 2008

The action is addicting Latviski isn't it? lol

My rationale is Monday we get some OIL/GOLD sales to help the books. The money either stays in cash or looks for deals, and they're damn sure out there.

I have no problem owning my UYG's at 23,22,21 just like I didn't mind when I had Yamana's in the 18's, 17's, 16's, 15's, 14's, 13's and it was in the 12's. I lay out my plants when I think it may be a turning point and I make my quick 4%'s on pullbacks like the EGO's this week.

1 comment:

Latviski said...

UYG is a smart buy esp. if you have the option to hold semi-long term (which I'm sure you do).

Will be a few more storms to weather, but as it's impossible to catch a bottom perfectly, accumulation is the only option.

I'll start in sub-20.