Friday, June 20, 2008

Lack of interest

Went 36 hours from when I was welcomed back until the next comment so I figured most had lost interest??????

I'l not gonna post real-time trades anymore (most of you know what they are and that they are 90% of the time booked for profit). Instead i'll be giving my ST, MT & LT outlook on our favorites (individual stocks we utilize the most, sectors we use the most (ie ETF's) & indexes).

On top of this i'd love any questions you guys might have on my outlooks and any outlooks you may have.

Hopefully we can all prosper this way.

Will post ALL this weekend.

Expect a LOT of posts LOL


1 comment:

Ron said...

I think you lost the herd staying away so long.

What's the opposite of SKF? Looks like it's going to $150 again...