Sunday, June 29, 2008


Didn't you used to play that with me Latviski???????

I think it ended $4.88 Friday and made it as high as $5.3X last run.

Mainstream money will be going into Yamana like it has already and I did very well with GORO this year so far and see them as a $10 stock.

This assumes we continue to break through past $940+ in POG & don't pull-back.

Good luck with the house.


Ron said...

AUY a nice jump.

As for the market, I still think they are letting the air out before pumping it up for the election. People vote their pocket books.

Support (if you call it that) on the 10 yr is 10500. Though it really looks as if an H & S pattern developed recently (3yr) and if you still believe in charting it could drop another 2300 or so. RSI is approaching 20.

Charting tells me it just broke through recent (3yr) support, but hey, with the PPT in the wings one can't rely on anything but the seat of the pants these days....

Latviski said...

Yep - I played AZK high 3's/ low 4's up to near 5...but it took a LONG time for it to get there!!

Agree that AUY (and even GG/ABX) will be where mainstream money initially goes.

Even without the H&S I think it could drop 2300 simply b/c of inflated DOW P/E and earnings that are going to continue to disappoint.

Thanks for the well wishes with the house - I'm putting an actual # on paper this morning (it's a bank owned prop. so I feel great lowballing the heck out of it).