Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sorry guys

I had to take my mom to the Doctors. Not gonna be on till later on today as i'm gonna help her run some errands.

Miners looking AWESOME!!!!

Booked my AZK bought @ $4.55 booked @ $4.82

Good luck to all



Peter said...

Hey Joe, why is this place so quiet today??

What is your play on the miners right now? Lightening up I'm sure for this was definitely a false break through 1000. We will need some time to regroup and try it again. I'm extremely light, I think we will get back to the low 980's before the real thing.

So whats the play?

Peter said...

Picked up some skf at $124, this news from the S&P is gonna stop the bleeding for the day only. Financials get hit tomorrow with CPI numbers. They will be ugly.