Saturday, October 18, 2008

You guys were right

The Sox were out of it ;)

How bout Tulsa Sam??????


Anonymous said...

Love tulsa now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Didn't get a chance to play boston! :(

JoeGoog23 said...

:) :) :) :) :) :)

Anonymous said...^MDOR

Put your buys in now... I think we're getting another uptick!

Sunday October 19, 4:06 am ET
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JoeGoog23 said...

Thanks Messie, Definitely a buy in the .65-.70 area this week IMO. Don't think we break the .83 on this test. Should have a pullback but not as low as the normal .40's we've been getting.

Thanks again for getting this on my watch list, already got me a 33% book and an almost 100% book!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you're right... You often are. But I like this one long term. I wound up buying some @ .80 on Friday, so maybe I'll sell that block first thing tomorrow morning for a quick easy profit, but there's no way I'm letting go of my core position any time soon.

Anonymous said...

Joe... seahawks or tampa bay.. 11 point spread.

JoeGoog23 said...


Anonymous said...

how much u like them... in comparison to how u liked tulsa... or will they play like texas (although good) but fumbly bumbly yesterday!

Anonymous said...

sox or tb .. and by how many runs!

JoeGoog23 said...

Not even close, I barely broke .500 in my NFL picks today. It's a hard league to handicap. College is SOOOOOO much easier.

I'd rather have money on the sox than the NFL game.

FWIW I took Seattle and under on that site.

JoeGoog23 said...

Sox and i'd give the 1 1/2 to get the better MoneyLine. Not sure about 2 1/2!!

Anonymous said...

i'll take the sox then.