Thursday, October 2, 2008


Added @ $98 even!!


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't you think UYG is the way to go today? Bailout was passed, market goes up a bit today?

JoeGoog23 said...

I play both sides remember????

Booked a few UYG's for nice profits yesterday but still own from the $18.40 I just bought to $23.75

As far as SKF, My next lot is $107.99 so I needed one here.

Anonymous said...

No yeah I know you do that, I was just curious because I bought some today @ 18.50 and wanted affirmation that it wasn't a bad purchase.

JoeGoog23 said...

Check the next post and you'll see I added right after this post @ $18.40. You got a great entry point IMO!!