Sunday, October 12, 2008


Sorry I didn't check the blog yesterday afternoon with all the games and then the SOX game :(

Lot of upsets yesterday, my big play was Notre Dame getting 8 1/2 points. They should have won outright.

Gimme a chance to go over the NFL and i'll give ya a few picks.



JoeGoog23 said...

Quick glance and I like Indy -4 and over in the Jets/Bengals game!!!

I'll post what i'm betting by 12:30!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Joe! Next saturday I'll be asking for another college!!!!!! I actually like college football more than NFL!

Please post any great games just like the Notre Dame one!

JoeGoog23 said...

No problem Sam, College football is my sport and i've been betting on it since 8th grade :) We got two good games Thursday night TCU/BYU & Fla St / NC State

I'll get you rolling next Saturday.

Looking good so far today with Indy up 17-0 and the Jets/Cincy game with 24 points halfway through the 2nd quarter ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm ready for it!!! Whenever you have a good game let me know...! I have extra $ that I have set aside... Please! let me know of any games!!!!