Friday, October 24, 2008


Booked $79.30 @ $84.39


Anonymous said...

Joe glad you like the site!! I hope you win... and remember me when you win!!!

Texas HAS to come come out in full force ..... have have have have have to! I'm gonna make them -2 as the play... instead of the +1 that they are at now.. what do you think?

JoeGoog23 said...

Whats the difference?? +???

Anonymous said...

on the site I use i can give back points so instead of +1 (-120) i can play them at -2 (+160) .. instead of being the underdog I can make them the favourite by 2 points and get better odds :)

What do you see the final score as...

JoeGoog23 said...

I know how it works, was asking what the + was!!

I definitely like that. +160 is a nice swing!! I'm thinking 44-38!!

Anonymous said...

LOL sorry! :)