Monday, October 13, 2008

Not gonna be here today

I'll be monitoring, but have to help a friend move.




Anonymous said...

FYI... I called Eugene this morning... I wanted to get a feel for where he's coming from.

Honestly he sounds pretty tired. I asked all the usual questions and received all the usual answers, except that he did say he now does not expect to find out about the BK until Dec/Jan... urgh.

He also said that he is mining coal and has cashflow now, although he didn't say how much. I asked about a future R/S dilution, all that, and he said that he couldn't say if more of that will happen; it depends on the market.

SO, not the biggest confidence booster. However I do believe him when he says he wants to mine coal, and that he's in it for the long haul. Still a highly risky play but... well, go with your gut on this one.

Anonymous said...

Also. MDOR. YES!!

Nate Stephens said...

hey messie,

could you be any more specific about what you asked regarding the BK and what his answer was? they have a BK hearing next monday, so won't he find something out then...or is it being extended? when he said Dec/Jan did he mean that's when they'll be out of BK?

i just can't see how he won't "know" anything about the BK until Dec/Jan. they're going to "know" something next monday or the judge is soon going to shit-can this thing.

any news about a new mining machine or fixing the ones they have?

Matt Staples said...

Can you guys help me figure out how to set up a decent trading platform? Total noob and using Fidelity/Schwab for now ... both suck. I had them freezing my funds last week for active trading (my trades hadn't "settled" yet). I'm looking for something much more responsive and that will let me get in and get out quickly and with quick response. This may be well-covered elsewhere, but most of the newbie guides to trading I have read haven't given me a straight scoop on how to set up a good trading platform. If easier, you can email me at staplesm at gmail dot com. Thanks - I appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Joe...wierd request...anyway you can put me as one of the "followers" ... I check this blog about 15 times per day! And love reviewing and following the trades!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Jinx... I had the same thing until I opened up my margin accounts. Consider opening those up.

Anonymous said...

Hey Nate,

All I asked him was when he would hear something about Gwenco's BK case and he said December or January... I guess I forgot about the upcoming court date... sorry 'bout that! But his number's on the website so feel free to give him a call... anyway I think QMNM is a lame horse. It'll be a long time before anything happens there, IMO. He's either lying or severely set back by circumstances beyond his control... your guess is a s good as mine.

He didn't say anything about the mining machines other than to say that he is mining coal every day, but wouldn't say how much, so my guess is, not much. Enough to provide somewhat of a cashflow though, apparently.

I also have a load of cash wrapped up in QMNM, so, it's crappy.