Friday, October 3, 2008


Added @ $1.69 & $1.88


Anonymous said...

Do you know what time the house is voting? Things are going up and I want to make sure I'm live in case the bill doesn't get passed so I can sell everything and buy skg...

JoeGoog23 said...

Lemme check, BRB

JoeGoog23 said...

The House convenes @ 9:00 AM but it says the vote will take place "early afternoon". Thats as good as I could find.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... cool for some reason I still haven't been able to find anything. Good to know.

You think the market will continue it's morning up trend until then?

Latviski said...

It's really amazing that gold is not firing on all cylinders yet. It seems that come hell or high water our leaders are going to hyperinflate...doesn't that look obvious to you guys?

I was out of town last 2 days...oh man...WILD fun.

What happened w/ QMNM? IT rocketed up and is now bleeding off again quite a bit? Hopefully some new money poured in w/ knoweldge of something...

JoeGoog23 said...

It might pullback a little while before the vote due to nervous investors who don't want to chance it.

Anonymous said...

I'm not optomistic on QMNM these days. I'm holding my stake in it, because I've lost so much it doesn't matter, but I'm beginning to believe the bashers.

Having said that, I still have a little hope. Want to hear production numbers.

JoeGoog23 said...

Same here bud, the more time we get from the BK judge, the higher the chances of us emerging from BK becomes IMO. If we're being taken for a ride, then all bets are off, but if they are really trying to mine coal, eventually they should start producing for a profit.