Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Someone has to call me when this stuff happens????? LOL

Added SKF @ $116.60
Booked UYG @ $19.80 bought $17.50
Booked UYG @ $19.85 bought $18.20
Booked UYG @ $19.86 bought $18.70



Anonymous said...

Hey Joe, since skf dropped as much as it did today, you think it will go up again tomorrow or will it depend on what hapopens with AIG?

Anonymous said...

I guess what I really mean is, it it usually as volatile as it has been today? From 118 to 150 and back again, a hobbit's journey. Yikes. I put in an order for 118... guess we'll see if it fills tomorrow.

JoeGoog23 said...

Sorry bud, I wasn't on for a few. I'm a buyer at anything under $130 so this would be a good price. Can't you buy extended hours????

Anonymous said...

Not that I know of... when I put an order in on TD Ameritrade, it just says it will be submitted at market opening. How do you trade after hours?

JoeGoog23 said...

You have to scroll down to extended PM or AM

Anonymous said...

I don't seem to have that option. Will look into it, thanks though Joe.... SKF seems to be dipping quite low this evening.

JoeGoog23 said...

I'll walk you through it tomorrow AM. One of my accounts is through them. Do you use their streamer???

Anonymous said...

I do now! I still don't have the after hours trade option though. I think I need to call them and have them turn it on or something.

So What's your call now that the FED is helping out AIG? (Screw you Lehman!) SKF down more? I'm holding off on buying. Of course a few of the "long" stocks I sold the other day are recovering, dammit. I should've waited.