Saturday, September 20, 2008

What happened to AZK??

Northgate Issues Statement on its
American Stock Exchange Closing Price

VANCOUVER, September 19, 2008 – (All figures in US dollars except where noted) – Northgate Minerals Corporation
(TSX: NGX, AMEX: NXG) has noted that a large volume of the Company’s shares were traded on the American Stock
Exchange shortly after 4:00 pm ET on September 19, 2008 at a price of $1.01. This share price was considerably
outside the intraday trading range and inconsistent with the Cdn$1.57 closing price recorded on the Toronto Stock
Exchange. Northgate wishes to assure the market that it is unaware of any recent change or adverse development
with respect to the Company’s assets, financial position, or any other factor, that could have accounted for the
unusual trading activity that took place after 4:00 pm ET today on the American Stock Exchange.

Someone explained this action in (NXG, AZK & others), as a bunch of small sell orders that nailed people's trailing stops right before 4:00 and pushed the price down, this then allowed this "manipulator" to buy a substantial lot on the cheap.

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