Wednesday, September 17, 2008

TDAmeritrade Messie

Everyone who uses TDAmeritrade can trade extended hours. From the home page, click on trade, then stocks, click on (buy, sell, short, cover), enter the quantity then symbol, order type keep at limit, then enter the price. Directly under the box that says limit, it says expiration, click that arrow and bring it to extended AM or extended PM depending on if it's morning or afternoon.

Let me know this morning.


Anonymous said...

Hey Joe thanks, but that's what I always use to trade and those options aren't there, not even on the command center. I need to call them this morning and be like wtf?

JoeGoog23 said...

You're in the US right????

Anonymous said...

Yeah... I'm on hold with them right now. Maybe it's an option I inadvertently turned off somewhere or something. ... Off hold, they fixed it for me. Works now! Great... could've bought at 113 last night. Now it's at 123. Grr.

JoeGoog23 said...

Well now you can trade from 8:00 AM till 7:00 PM LOL (Or is Ameritrade 8:00 PM?)