Thursday, September 18, 2008


Booked $131.90 @ $134.90


Latviski said...

added UYG 17

JoeGoog23 said...

Hey Lat, you still have some SWC's??? My next is $8.15!!!

Latviski said...

Sold @ 17.25

Latviski said...

Yep - shes moving now! I have right around there too..gotta actually go check what I bought it at - I know it's low 8's...

Latviski said...

2 lots SWC 7.89
2 lots SWC 8.60

That's what I have.

JoeGoog23 said...

Nice, Platty & Pally should start moving IMO.

SA & JAG had MONSTER days like we said, a bit worried AZK didn't follow through with all the shorting that took it down??

Latviski said...

AZK had such a big day yesterday, I suppose many took profits today...still, was surprised to see it down a few % all day...