Thursday, September 25, 2008


Added @ .0029 (let's hope they are getting some solid production this month)


Fishfood said...

Looks like the guys who keep changing the rules have lost control of the game

First you could not play defence because the offence had trouple

Now you can't play offence because the defence is off the field

What is gonna happen next?

Fishfood said...

I geuss we only have special teams left

Paulson, Bernanke, Bush, et al


Ron Paul, don't know any other names but I'll volunteer if there's a spot open

JoeGoog23 said...

I'm a goood return man, those old fools will never catch me (EVER) ;)

Fishfood said...

I would like to lay a mean tackle on a Paulson return - think Bush has some badass cowboy moves :)