Thursday, July 17, 2008


Booked $19.12 buy @ $19.82

My .019 QMNM got filled. I think .0175 was Hawk's support.

Guy's i'm gonna go for a dip

Be back, i'd never abandon, don't worry.


Latviski said...

Enjoy the pool bud! I'm gonna take the afternoon off w/ a few select limit orders in:

AZK - 4.7
AUY - 14.65
EGO - 8.00

Also have a limit sell in for AUY 15.39 (again, longshot, but won't be watching for the afternoon much)

Will be around all day tomorrow. :)

Don't think EGO buy @ 8.00 will get hit, but what the hell.

Also got my .019 fill of QMNM and yeah, hawks support line was right around .017/.018.

Fishfood said...


Keep doing things the way YOU do it

After all you basically got me away from the buy and hold strategy and have saved me many many $$$