Friday, July 25, 2008


Added UYG @ $20.21

Booked SKF @ $134.60 buy from $131.60


Latviski said...

flipped 50k UYG in my Roth account - bought at .019, sold .021.

Will buy back every time she goes below .02.

Nate Stephens said...

do you mean QMNM?

Latviski said...

sorry watching UYG too closely!!

Latviski said...

I start playing with 50k lots of UYG and you can just call me mack daddy.

Fishfood said...

No trades yet

Wanna see housing number first and see how market reacts

JoeGoog23 said...

Mack Daddy

Look at you flipping QMNM's LMAO

JoeGoog23 said...

Let's start calling you VERT :)

Latviski said...


We need an herbal bath for gold.

I figured what the hell - it's 10%...might as well make it a few times if VERT and NITE are going to fvck around w/ the price for a while.

Will probably by them back today.