Friday, July 18, 2008

Thanks Lat

For helping out this afternoon. FWIW, If we get the new forum going, the bottom line will be "making money by booking profits"

Nate & Fish, we'll definitely remember the dedication as well as you Ron. Once we're up and going, let me or Lat know what you'd be comfortable moderating and it's a done deal.

2 more weeks till we visit the mine and .0189 was an amazing close today considering the low we hit.




Latviski said...

If it's not booked, it's not really in the bank.

I found (during trading hours) I really only followed the Joe's real time trades thread, a select few stock threads (like QMNM), and some of Hawks charts. Other than that I just don't have time to bounce around...

Def. should be about making money and booking profits, not writing an online novel.

Going to hit my programmer buddy up this weekend and see what he says...he's got software and hardware coming out his ears and will prob. know the best solution to get this thing rolling.

Nate Stephens said...

i'd like to help out any way i can. i don't know any of you (or anyone on the other forum) personally. i just know you all from this "online world". from that perspective, i don't respect at all what went down over on the regards to several situations. and you guys have remained resolute in your graciousness, positive attitude, and respect. i also find the people who associate over here more intelligent and insightful. I don't believe in gang mentality and am a "loner" if i'm not looking to chose sides. that's not my way. just so happens those who i'd like to associate with online seem to hang out here.

anyhow, i'll add that i moderated for over a year at a forum (several years ago). it was new at the time, started in Australia actually, and was geared around audio recording. i enjoyed doing it and enjoyed working out the kinks in getting a new thing started. i was fortunate, however, in that there were no tyrants involved. we all worked together nicely. it was a huge success, written about in shit loads of magazines, etc. that's what happens when you work together peacefully. at the time it was called now it's called


Latviski said...

Hehe - Aug 5 Nate. Meet and greet in the KENTUCKY WOODS!!

Diga doo doo doo doo doooooo...(dueling banjoes)


Nate Stephens said...

in case you fellas don't make it back someone has to be around to keep this place going. "bought some ASS @ 14.73, booked at 2.76. Yeah, sorry everyone, i guess that wasn't a good call. Should've bought some TIT, that's where the money is. But i do have some good news folks, QMNM just posted a PR that they have some new 2 man clean up crew...said they'll be working 24 hour shifts. hmmmm....."