Monday, July 28, 2008


Reports tomorrow morning, just to warn anyone who wants to get in or get out beforehand.

Still loving the DXO play, may go a tad lower still, but I think we hold $121.

Miners looking fabulous still, the usual suspects: EGO, AZK, GORO (LOVE), AUY, SLW, SWC. Or an easier way is the miners index GDX, under $45 so EASY 10% move from here.

DGP is our play for Gold long and hopefully we get a push higher from these levels.

QMNM - Looking for some big news tomorrow to get this thing moving.

Morning all!!

1 comment:

Latviski said...

Come on gold...back to the 950 can do it!!!

This is gonna be a volatile (aka fun) week IMO.

Thanks for the SLW heads up...I'm not touching them @ earnings time since I don't follow them closely enough to place my bets.

All right...gotta shave and get coffee - BRB.