Monday, July 21, 2008


Once we hit under 11,000 I was looking for a bounce to 11,550 which is almost where we hit. $120 could be tough to hit seeing how far we've come, but this weeks results could help you get there??????

I think we-re rangebound for a bit 11,000-11,550 SKF 130-160


Good luck with the viewing LAT!!


Nate Stephens said...

YAWN!!! what a boring day. someone needs to fire a missle or make a bank-run. jeezzzz....

Fishfood said...

Had to talk to the entire family about my visa, it was the last obstacle on my way to Cali - still totally psyched about it

As for the trading really boring. I havn't made a trade today as am outta cash and havn't met any sell points

I missed th GM short at 13.5 but good luck with it it seems like a good play