Friday, July 25, 2008

How to undo a jinx

Found it!!!!!!


Latviski said...

OMG - ROFLMAO. You've got some work ahead of you today bud!

"To take off a jinx or remove crossed conditions, many people make use of a spiritual bath combined with a simple candle-spell. To perform this work, you will need a spiritual bath preparation made with purifying herbs or an Uncrossing type bath preparation. The hyssop and rue herb baths are things you can make up yourself from hyssop or rue leaves or you can buy ready-made Uncrossing Bath Crystals with hyssop and rue, or -- for a really strong job -- you can use the 13 Herb Spiritual Bath, which contains hyssop, rue, and 11 other Uncrossing herbs. Many folks use 13 packets of 13 Herb Spiritual Bath and take a bath every morning for a total of 13 days to clear away a really bad jinx. "

JoeGoog23 said...

They'll probably throw me off the mine site due to the stench from the baths!!

Latviski said...

Oh, hey, we've been going about this making money thing the wrong way too. Apparently all we need are the items listed below:

Said to draw money in games of chance and in business.
1 Green Eye-in-Pyramid candle
Money Drawing Bath Crystals
Money Drawing Oil
Money Drawing Incense
Money Drawing Sachet Powder
1 Large Lodestone
Alligator Foot Curio
John the Conqueror Root Curio
Lucky Hand Root Curio
Packet of Magnetic Sand
Green Flannel Bag with metal Money Bag charm
Complete instructions for use
Read about and view Money Drawing Spiritual Supplies

JoeGoog23 said...

Cool, i'm going back to bed if it's that easy.