Wednesday, July 9, 2008

DEAL & I get to drive it!!!!

I'm seriously thinking $1 by end of year when second gets running. Provided no mishaps, remember, any accident or whatnot and production could come to a halt. They said 1500-2000 tons per day and the first 7000/month for 9 months goes to the current deal which pays only $87/ton. So they better get above the 7000 tons.

Total of 13 million tons which is like 25 years, of which 3 million tons is MET coal which is going for like $320/ton.


Latviski said...

Hell, you just about bought it for me...only fair that you can take it for a spin. ;)

mastergunner said...

I can not wait for this space shuttle ride. I love this ride up and up and up.