Thursday, July 24, 2008

Chickened out

Covered GM short @ $12.77 shorted @ $13.44


Latviski said...

Nothing chicken about a nice trade.

JoeGoog23 said...

I owe these to you. If we get attacked in tha mountains i'll sacrifice myself first!!!

Latviski said...

You owe me nothing bro...ok, well you owe me a swim in the 80 degree pool one day and maybe some homemade gravy!!

I'm gonna be a pig w/ GM and at least get a buck/ share out of my lots.

JoeGoog23 said...

Deal, Pool was 86 the other day. Felt cold getting out into the 90 degree heat. Thats almost too hot. Back to 82 with the rain we got.

Latviski said...

LMAO. Felt cold in the 90 degree heat!!

Here comes another nice leg down today...gonna pick up my first 'new' lot of UYG soon.