Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Lots of VERY positive info on the Yahoo Message boards. According to them the buyout for BIHC will be announced tomorrow.

QMNM seems like a GREAT play. People have verified virtually every fact they've put out so far and posted on youtube a conversation someone had with a 3rd party who lives down there.


Gcubed said...

Hawkeye say "Hi"
He lost his password again!! ;)
Gotsta have another talk with the boy...

Latviski said...

I just listened to qmnm youtube call. Git 'r done!

Hey, my Scottrade charts are showing QMNM was trading at ~130/sh in 2004? Is that right? What the heck happened to them that brought it down to .02?!! Sometimes, Scottrade charts are screwy though and mix two companies together or just 'make up' data if you go too far back.

Can you verify that they were at 130/sh in 2004?!